COMEAUX'S Pork Andouille
Have A Question For This Product?
Q: Is the andouille shipped cold or frozen? Thanks
A: All perishable items are shipped frozen.
Q: Is your andouille shelf stable? What other products are shelf-stable? Thanks!
A: We do not offer any meat products that are shelf stable. All products need to be frozen or refrigerated.
Q: Is this gluten free?
A: Comeaux's Pork Andouille Ingredients : Pork, Water, Salt , Flavoring and Colorings Sugar, Sodium Nitrite in a Pork Casing. I would assume yes this item is gluten free based on the provided ingredients.
Andouille is a south Louisiana favorite for use in gumbos, red beans and rice, stews, pasta dishes, soups and jambalaya. Our andouille includes USDA pork, coarsely ground, seasoned, marinated, and stuffed in large sausage casing and hickory smoked to perfection. Our favorite snack is 1/4" sliced andouille covered with a sweet barbeque sauce. Just heat and serve with a tooth pick. Ces Bon!
Fully Cooked- Naturally Smoked
Default | |
Calcium | 0 |
Discount | Yes |
Organic | 0 |
Calories | 150 |
Nutrition Data | 1 |
Size | 1 lbs. (16 oz.) |
Calories from fat | 100 |
Cholesterol | 40 |
Dietary Fiber | 0 |
Iron | 2 |
Protein | 10 |
Saturated fat | 4 |
Serving per container | 8 |
Serving Size | 2oz |
Sodium | 430 |
Sugars | 0 |
Total carbs | 1 |
Total fat | 11 |
Total fat per unit | 17 |
Vitamin A | 2 |
Vitamin C | 2 |